![NOTICE:ICD/GEN/04/2017 – Seminar](https://www.icdbd.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/halaqa-640x340.jpeg)
NOTICE:ICD/GEN/04/2017 – Seminar
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله و بركاته
ICD is going to arrange a seminar, insha’Allah, on the following subject:
“সৌদী আরবের সাথে একই দিনে রোজা রাখা ও ঈদ করা” – একতার নামে সৃষ্ট বিভক্তি ও বিভ্রান্তি এবং আমাদের করণীয়
The details are as follows:
Speakers: Dr. Manzur-e-Elahi, Dr. Abu Bakar Zakaria and Dr. Muhammad Saifullah
Date: Friday the 31st of March, 2017
Time: Talks: 16:00 – Maghrib (with Asr salaat in between) + Q-A: Maghrib – Isha.
Venue: As-Sunnah Complex (Nabinagar Mosque),
House#73, Road#15, Mohammadpur Nabinagar Housing 2nd Project (Near Dhaka Uddyan),Dhaka.
Google Map
Registration: Mandatory with a nominal fee (100 taka), to be paid while collecting the entry coupon
Coordinator: Shamim Ahsan – +8801711506908.