ICD first started the Friday School in the Year 2010 – with the idea that, the innocent kids whose parents put them on the track of “rat race” for achieving earthy goals ONLY (either due to their “lack of knowledge” or “lack of realization”) would get a “second chance” to know/learn the basics of their DEEN. When we were growing up, we did not have any scope of such “second chance” and it is a miracle resulting from the unlimited Mercy of Allah which brought us to the places where we are now.
After starting the Friday School Sessions, we found many kids attending the school. Their parents became very closely attached to the community of practicing Muslims – so, much so that, they not only participated in our efforts but started conducting the sessions themselves on our behalf as volunteers.
So, Brothers and Sisters! If you have a kid whom you could NOT give the “religious upbringing” as you should have, please do not hesitate – our upcoming 4th session of Friday School will commence from March 2024, in-shaa-Allah. You can enrich your kid(s) with the best “provision” he/she needs for the journey of this life leading to the hereafter, insha’Allah! As the session will be conducted online (in Bengali medium), students from abroad can also join, insha’Allah.
Interested guardians are requested to register by filling up the following Google Form:
Registration link: https://forms.gle/WFkKVMDnQkbMMxN1A
Details of the Friday School could be found in the attached Flyer.
مَعَ السَّلاَمَة
E. M. Yeaseenur Rahman Tahin
ICD Friday School
Contact: +880 1670-117207