Power Point Presentation on Islamic General Knowledge
بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيمِ
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Islam,
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله و بركاته
Our brother Junayad Munir, who has been serving as a teacher in a Saudi University in Riyadh, has prepared a very well structured “Power Point Presentation” on Islamic General Knowledge (if you like) – which will offer you “food for thought” for days to come. You would be surprised/ashamed to know the vast difference between the Islam followed by The Companions in 7th century Arabia and the Islam practiced at present in the Sub-continent in particular and the Muslim World in general. The duration of the whole presentation is about 6 hours covering various subjects like Shirk, Bid’ah, Islamic Terminologies an so on. We have requested him to short-list the subjects and make a revised presentation of about 3~3.5 hours.
We are glad to inform you that, we are insha’Allah going to screen the revised presentation for Brothers and Sisters @ ICD on 2 different occasions. Since, the space is limited there, we would request you to register(free of course) your name(s) by informing us through e-mail or otherwise. We will entertain the first 50 applicants in each group on “first come first serve” basis. Please note the details as follows:
For Brothers:
Place: ICD premise
Date: Saturday the 15th of June, 2013.
Time: 15:00~18:45 (With a short break in between)
For Sisters:
Place: ICD premise
Date: Sunday the 16th of June, 2013
Time: 15:00~18:45 (With a short break in between)
Also, please note that, this week, there will be NO Saturday Halaqa @ ICD.
مَعَ السَّلاَمَة
Muhammad Enamul Haque
Institute for Community Development
1st floor, House#5, Road#11, Pisciculture Housing (Sheker Tek), Mohammadpur, Dhaka.